
Important information about what we do and how we do it.

Adviser Disclosure Statements

Please click here to see the disclosure statements for the members of our team who can provide financial advice.

Our License

Builtin Insurance Brokers Limited holds a full Class 2 Financial Advice Providers license, which came into effect on 5th September 2022 and replaced our transitional license. Our registration number is: FSP28581.  Click here to view our registration details. We are regulated by the Financial Markets Authority (FMA). 

Our Role

You may choose to interact with us in different ways:


Do it yourself – quote online

You can obtain quotes and arrange cover directly via our website. If you do this we are not providing you with personalised financial advice. The policies available on our website have been selected by Builtin to be suitable for a typical building trade business. We base this selection on our experience dealing with trade businesses and their insurance needs over the past 20 years. We have negotiated special rates and in some cases policy benefits with insurers. When choosing which insurers and policies to include we take into account a range of factors. These include but are not limited to: price; policy wording (eg. coverage, benefits and exclusions); claims management; the insurer’s reputation, their ability to delegate authority to us and the quality of our business relationship with the insurer’s underwriting personnel and senior management (eg. their responsiveness, flexibility and problem solving). From time to time we will review the suitability of our package and, if we deem it in the best interests of our clients, we may make changes. The insurance providers also have the right to change the terms of the agreement. Any changes will typically take effect from the date of your next renewal.


Do it for me – appoint a personal risk manager

If your needs are different or you would like a professional to help arrange your insurance cover then you should speak to an adviser. Their role is to assess your needs and provide personalised advice to suit your particular situation. They will determine and agree with you the scope of this advice. As your insurance broker/adviser we can source and recommend products from a number of insurers. However, in some cases we may recommend a product or provider that we have negotiated exclusive rates with, such as the policies described above. In this case we will disclose this fact to you.

Nature & Scope of Our Financial Advice Service

We provide advice on commercial, domestic and personal insurance, with a particular focus on clients that operate within the construction industry.

We help our clients protect their income, health and assets and cover their liabilities, to minimise the financial impact to their lives and businesses when things go wrong.

We can also advise on good risk management practices.

We have access to most insurance markets in New Zealand along with access to overseas markets as required. Click here for a list of the types of insurance we can provide financial advice on and click here for the providers who provide such products. The specific types of insurance that individual advisers can advise customers on may vary.

We do not provide advice on investments or any other Financial Advice. We can refer you to others when you require advice on these products.

Fees, Expenses or Other Amounts Payable

We may charge a fee for the advice given to you and for implementing that advice. If a fee is to be charged it will be based on the amount of work and time required to provide and implement our advice and will be shown on our invoice to you, payable on payment of your premium. The amount of any fee will be disclosed either at the time we know the scope and nature of the advice required or when we provide our advice to you. On our contract works insurance scheme with NZI we charge a service margin, which is a percentage of the insurer’s premium, typically between 10-25%.

Premium funding products enable you to pay the insurance premium over the term of your policy by instalments rather than as one amount. Premium funders charge interest and they take a power of attorney over your insurance policy, this means they have the ability to cancel your insurance policy if you fail to pay an instalment. If you enter into such an arrangement the premium funder will pay us a commission as a percentage of the amount they fund, typically around 2%.  The specific amount of this commission will be disclosed to you when we know the scope and nature of the advice required and whether you intend to utilise the services of a particular premium funder. Commission will be paid to us directly from the premium funder. 

Conflicts of Interest, Commissions and Other Incentives

Builtin will receive commission from the insurance companies on whose policies we give advice. If you decide to take out a policy, the insurer will pay us commission based on the premium that you pay. As described above we also earn a commission on premium funding.

We are a member of Steadfast NZ Limited (Steadfast). Steadfast supplies technology platforms, management, marketing, professional, technical, and buying benefits and services to support us in providing our financial advice services.

Steadfast has arrangements with insurance companies under which Steadfast receives a professional services fee of up to 1.5% of the premium paid for each policy arranged by us with those insurers. Steadfast may also receive a fee of 0.5% of any amount a customer has funded through a premium funder.  These payments are used to operate Steadfast.

A financial adviser may have a conflict of interest in circumstances where financial advice has been provided to two clients who later have a dispute, including in respect of liability. In this instance the adviser would clearly disclose the conflict of interest to the clients and would refer one of these clients to another of our financial advisers for further advice and assistance.

We manage all conflicts of interest, ensuring our financial advisers prioritise your interests above their own, by following an advice process that ensures our recommendations are made on the basis of your needs and circumstances. All of our financial advisers complete training to understand and manage conflicts of interest. We maintain a register of conflicts of interests and any gifts and other incentives that we may receive. We review our compliance programme annually.

Fees, Expenses or Other Amounts Payable

Builtin and our financial advisers are bound under the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013 to:

  • meet the standards of competence, knowledge, and skill set out in the Code of Professional Conduct for Financial Advice Services (Code of Conduct), which form part of the wider regulatory regime for financial advice and ensure we have the expertise necessary to provide you with advice; and
  • give priority to your interests by taking all reasonable steps to ensure that the advice given to you is not materially influenced by our own interests or the interests of any other person connected with the giving of advice; and
  • exercise care, diligence, and skill that a prudent person engaged in the occupation of giving related financial advice would in the same circumstances; and
  • meet the standards of ethical behaviour, conduct, and client care set out in the Code of Conduct, to treat you as we should and to provide you with suitable advice.


Please refer to our Complaints & Dispute Resolution page.