Protection From Liability
When accidents happen or mistakes are made the situation can get complicated and costs can escalate quickly.
Common Examples

Public/General Liability
Covers accidental damage to other people’s property

Statutory Liability
Defending WorkSafe prosecutions as well as fines & penalties under other legislation

Professional Indemnity
Covers allegations of errors or omissions in your professional services
Defending You From Liability
Public & Products (General) Liability
Covering your liability for accidental damage to other people’s property, including allegations of defective workmanship. Read more.
Statutory Liability
Covers fines and penalties and pays legal defence costs due to unintentional breaches of legislation. Examples include the Building Act, Resource Management Act, Fair Trading Act and Health & Safety at Work Act (legal costs and reparations only). Read more.
Employers Liability
Defends you against civil action by employees alleging workplace illness or injury that isn’t covered by ACC. For example stress, cancer or chronic illness. Read more.
LBP Cover
Covers Licensed Building Practitioners against allegations of errors in Records of Work, complaints to the LBP Board and negligent supervision of non-LBPs. Read more.
Professional Indemnity
For mistakes in your professional business that cause someone else a financial cost. Typically covering project management, design, engineering specification and surveying. Read more.
Employee Disputes Liability
Provides protection from employment disputes, such as allegations of unfair dismissal, workplace harassment or discrimination. The policy covers legal costs and any damages awarded. Read more.
Directors & Officers Liability
Protects directors & company officers from allegations of mismanagement of the company, including legal defence costs. Read more.
This protects the business from financial loss due to fraudulent or dishonest acts by its employees or other third parties. Read more.
Legal Prosecution Defence Costs
Covers the legal costs defending a criminal prosecution against directors, managers and employees for acts committed whilst going about their daily work. Read more.