Articles, Guides, Checklists and Videos


Will 10 year builders warranty insurance soon be compulsory?

Will 10 year builders warranty insurance soon be compulsory?

Once again MBIE is looking into the feasibility of making it compulsory for builders to take out insurance. Insurance to protect homeowners that is. This approach is common in Australia, where individual states require builders to be licensed and take out insurance...

Should builders insure their tools?

Should builders insure their tools?

Tools theft is rife around the country at the moment and if it hasn’t happened to you yet you’ve probably at least heard of it happening to someone you know. We’re urging all tradies to take extra precautions when on site and to ensure your tools are securely locked away, ideally out of sight from the road at night.


Guides & Checklists

Simple Risk Management Checklist

Key Risk Checklist

Easy Guide to Contract Works Insurance

Defective Workmanship Cover Explained

Quick Insurance Review For Contractors

Tools Inventory